Other Giving Options

Here are some other options for giving:

Mail cheques to the following address:

Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
58 Brunswick Avenue
Spanish Town
St. Catherine

Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)

Account Name: Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Bank of Nova Scotia Spanish Town A/C No. 914 JMD Chequing
Bank of Nova Scotia Spanish Town A/C No. 802770012 USD Savings
Kindly submit your deposit information via email at accounts@centralja.org or via WhatsApp at (876) 483-9916.

CJC Conference Office Cashier

The conference office currently accepts all major debit and credit cards.

Local Church via Tithe Envelope

Through the Tithe Envelope at your local Church or at the Conference Office.


TITHE - is a sacred responsibility for all Christians. It provides for ministers, teachers, and evangelists througout the world.
CHURCH BUDGET - supports your local church congregation and its ministries. This includes expenses related to evangelism, outreach, educational subsidies, Sabbath School, and utilities.
C.W.D - provides for local church building and conference infrastructural development.
WORLD MISSIONS - supports various outreach and evangelistic ministries world-wide.
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